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How Do I Change My Password?

Aside from sometimes forgetting the password, changing your password every 90 days or so is a good practice in making your account secured.

There are two ways to change your password:

If logged in

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. At the bottom left sidebar of your dashboard, click the 3 dots
  3. Click 'Your Profile'
  4. It will direct you to your 'Edit Profile' page
  5. On the Edit Profile page, click on the pen icon beside the 'Change Password' tab.


If not logged in

  1. On VirtualStaff’s homepage, click the “Log In’ button on the top right portion.
  2. Once you are on the Log In page, click “Forget Password” 

  3. Provide the email that is registered with your VirtualStaff account, then click “Reset Password”
  4. Check your email inbox to view the Reset Password email containing the link to finally reset your password. Go to that email and click the “Reset My Password” Button
  5. You will be redirected to the Reset Password page, from there you can provide the new password that you want.