Home > I'm an Employer > VirtualStaff Protection > How Much Would It Cost to File a Claim Against Staff/Contractors in the Philippines if I Hired Them Through VirtualStaff Protection?

How Much Would It Cost to File a Claim Against Staff/Contractors in the Philippines if I Hired Them Through VirtualStaff Protection?

If you have a dispute with a staff member or contractor, our legal team can help you resolve it. 

First, we'll send a legal letter on your behalf to the person you're having a dispute with. This initial legal letter is free of charge and is designed to encourage the person to respond and resolve the matter amicably.

Almost all of the time, the above remedy will work.

If the initial legal letter does not resolve the matter, we can provide you with legal support from our team of lawyers and legal partners in the Philippines. We offer a discounted rate of $25.00/hour for this legal support, which will be billed separately.

Our lawyers and legal partners are experienced in handling a variety of legal issues, including employment law, contract disputes, and other legal matters that may arise in the context of running a business. They will work with you to understand the details of your case and provide you with the legal advice and support you need to protect your business interests.

We understand that legal disputes can be stressful and time-consuming, which is why we're committed to providing you with high-quality legal support that is affordable and efficient.