VirtualStaff Protection provides an extra layer of protection for your business and it's already included with an active subscription.
To utilize the VirtualStaff Protection, simply log in to your employer dashboard on and click on the “Click to Opt-in” button under the “Compliant Agreement” column next to the staff name.
Here’s how to send the Philippine Compliant Contract to the staff:
1. User clicks on "Click to opt in"
2. The new pop up is displayed
- If clicked on "No thanks, I'll handle it." returns to dashboard
- If clicked on "Yes, I want a compliant contract!", user will be directed to the Independent Contractor Agreement.
3. Under the Independent Contractor Agreement, user can choose to either send the contract to the staff or cancel it if the user decides not to proceed.
4. After sending the contract to the staff, the user will be directed to the list of his staff to whom he sent the contract, which shows the status under the Compliant Agreement.